Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Book Review: Ladd's Theology

Officially it's A Theology of the New Testament, but calling it simply Ladd's Theology is both easier and more descriptive. This was a book that I had to read for class. Not that I didn't want to read it - I just don't recommend reading an entire Biblical Theology straight! 'Tedious' comes to mind...

Ladd's theology is fairly user-friendly. He organizes (I should say "organized", since he's gone on to be with the LORD) his book in a way that allows the reader to zero in on what they're looking for pretty quickly.

I really don't have much to say about Ladd's theology, or his Theology. He's fairly mean-spirited toward Dispensationalists (which would include me). I respect his take on a great many issues. I don't completely agree with him on much. He's not nearly as awful as Berkhof, but not nearly as useful as Erickson.

I do appreciate his 'already/not yet' paradigm. Progressive isn't my favourite flavour of Dispensationalism, but I can see his point in many cases.

Having said all that, Ladd's Theology is a classic. It's well-regarded by everyone that's anyone in the Evangelical marketplace of theology. If you're a Dispensationalist looking for a different point of view, but not one that'll drive you insane, Ladd is probably your guy.


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