Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Book Review: To Alaska on a Tractor

Yes, I've been reading a lot lately.

Yes, I actually read a book called To Alaska on a Tractor.

No, I'm not crazy.

The book was, believe it or not, one of those "can't put it down" reads...

I'll admit it - I stayed up too late last night to finish reading this book. I just couldn't put it down. I read the entire book in one sitting.

The book is the story of a married couple (each in their 60s) who decided to drive their old two-cycle John Deere model B tractor from their home in Ohio to Alaska (and back) in an effort to raise awareness and funds for missions. Their local church funded the trip, though many, many people along the way gave them things (meals, camping, etc...) for free as well.

What's endearing about the book is its simplicity. The wife wrote the book herself, and hers is a grateful tale of a Christ-follower willing to do something way outside of the box for His glory. She merely records the highlights of their days, mentioning people and places by name and always with thankfulness.

I guess what I like most about the book is two things: 1) The many, many stories of the "small ways" the LORD provided for this couple. Needs and wants were met over and over again by their great God. 2) The true spirit of Christian community that this couple experienced as they travelled and came across people with nothing in common but the cause of Christ. Christians invited them into their home. They fed them. They encouraged them. They trusted them. All in the name of Jesus. It was a wonderful testimony to the truly universal bond in Christ.

It's a short book (less than 150 pages), so you have little excuse not to go out and read it! Trust me, it's worth the time. You'll be encouraged and perhaps motivated.



Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity, how did you stumble upon this book? Was it recommended to you or were you just browsing the tractor section at Grace's library?

Hatushili said...

I actually found it at my church library. Very shiny book - jumped off the shelf at me!