Thursday, March 8, 2007

Poll update

In case any one is curious, according to my first poll the vast majority of you are NASB fans. On to the next poll!

Incidentally, will the lone NIV fan please identify him/herself?



Anonymous said...

These polls of yours are quite interesting. Especially the current farm animal one. I'll have you know; however, you have deeply insulted, mortified, and angered my wife with your parenthesis regarding the horse and chicken options. To rectify the situation it’s only fair that you create a poll asking which is your favorite Barlow girl...

Hatushili said...

And I'll have you know that

a) I put those paranthetical comments in there specifically for your wife's benefit, and

b) I'll be a Barlow Girl before I'll have a poll question about them!

Chickens Rule!!
